Commission a JarSquad Project

Beyond hiring us to run an Assembly or Workshop, you can also commission JarSquad to work with you on a special project. Our team of co-animators have years of experience working in community learning, and can collaborate with you on your creative project.  

What to expect:

  • We will make creative responses to your unique setting, situation and brief – finding new and exciting ways to engage with the focus of your projects and communities.
  • Our special areas of interest are – food-making, foraging and sharing, and re-thinking value (or refreshing typical ideas about our economy)
  • We’re skilled in working alongside other artists, researchers, community members or with food interests in the general public.


  • Seed Activation Kit with CRAB – Coxside Residents Arts Board asked for an activity kit for families in the neighbourhood and students at Prince Rock Primary School. JarSquad worked with a local illustrator and Tamar Organics to create a seed-activation kit using materials easily found at home. 
  • Summer of SAFEDI – We were selected as one of six artistic projects which acted as case studies for a national project, where Axisweb collaborated with researchers from Manchester Metropolitan University interested in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in arts organisations. As part of this network, we collaborated with researchers so they could gain insight into the realities of how policy and inclusion operate in practice in creative activities in community. It gave us an interesting lens with which to animate POLICY and CONSENT (forms) meaningfully within our work.